Eagle Parking Garage
The Eagle Parking Garage on the northwest corner of 14 and M Streets in Lincoln, Nebraska, had been a staple of the city’s revitalization efforts for decades. But years of neglect and too few local tenants saw the structure fall into decay and disrepair. With a $5.2 million commitment from the City of Lincoln and a 12-month timeline, McGill went to work to transform the structure into a shining example of modernized parking.
Working in the harsh Nebraska winters is always a challenge. Plus, we immediately discovered unknown conditions like no reinforcing steel in certain areas, while excessive reinforcing in other spots made supplemental rebar installation difficult.
At the start of the project the winter weather was indeed frightful, but our solution was so delightful! We simply enclosed the entire garage to heat the area and allow structural work to proceed as necessary. Then, our team worked tirelessly with the City of Lincoln Parking Services and other municipal departments to ensure a smooth and efficient restoration. McGill Restoration sounded and marked each deck, mapped all repairs between joists, then saw cut along the mapped-out lines to drop entire decks. McGill Restoration also utilized specially measured and designed foam forms to cut costs and allow the crew to form and shore quickly.
Lincoln, NE
Project Range
Services Delivered
- Concrete restoration
- Full depth on the parking deck (double tee structure)
- Partial depth overhead/vertical repairs on deteriorated tee stems and structural columns
- Structural (epoxy) crack injection
- Structural strengthening (FRP) wrap
- Installation of supplemental reinforcing steel at column locations
- Routing and sealing all cracks in the deck
- Installation of 110,000 square feet of heavy-duty traffic coating
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