680 Dodge Interchange
The I-680 & Dodge Street corridor in Omaha was in need of concrete restoration to the top deck on numerous bridges. McGill Restoration submitted a bid and won the lead contractor role for the project. Twelve bridges in total required concrete repair, liquid membrane application, new asphalt and joints. Completing the work required maximizing labor efforts within prime weather windows to meet the 272-calendar-day objective.
Nebraska DOT determined this project would function as a primary test for precast concrete panel installations. The new process has been used successfully on projects in other states but it came with a learning curve and unique challenges that were addressed in real time. Lane closures and timing work to coincide with slow traffic on graveyard shifts was necessary. Managing closures across multiple bridges while managing subcontractors simultaneously presented logistical challenges.
McGill Restoration assembled a talented and experienced crew to oversee every detail while also completing concrete deck repairs and sealing. The team worked with subcontractors to fit and level precast concrete panels with only ½-inch of spacing. Lane closures were managed by a lead foreman while protecting crews through shielding by attenuator trucks. The work moved along smoothly, with adjustments made to shave and fit panels during graveyard hours. Each bridge was placed back into service, with only a few sections remaining to wrap the project when temperatures stabilize for sealing and asphalt.
Omaha, Nebraska
DOT Project
Project Range
Services Delivered
Concrete deck repair on 12 interstate/highway bridges
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