Harney St. Parking Garage
The Harney St. Parking Garage is a multi-use structure with residential and businesses requiring access to maintain revenue streams. Additionally, it houses a data center on the top level that requires 24/7 power. Ownership engaged McGill Restoration as an expert contractor to address years of significant water damage from failed joint sealants and general wear and tear.
Ownership required a short timeline to minimize tenant disruption and income loss. McGill Restoration faced significant structural repairs that would require intensive cribbing to alleviate weight from load bearing elements. Further, the project was scheduled during winter and the team was required to plan for working through difficult weather conditions while completing not only the structural repairs but also the horizontal and vertical masonry restoration.
The project was completed in three months while adapting to winter conditions and responding to planning changes after discovering advanced water damage to columns that would require a more intensive restoration method. The team wrapped the entire building and used several large heaters to work through all conditions. Large timbers were used for cribbing to support each floor while structural repairs were executed. After structural integrity was returned, all ramps, horizontal and vertical masonry elements were restored. New joint sealants and protective coatings were installed to ensure longevity and protection against damage for years to come.
Omaha, NE
Multi Use Parking Structure
Project Range
Services Delivered
- Restored Integrity to Structural I-Beams and Columns
- Concrete Ramp Restoration
- Vertical and Horizontal Surface Restoration
- New Joint Sealants and Coatings
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